Shed Light on Your Electrical Issues

Schedule electrical troubleshooting services to get a lasting solution in Southampton, PA

Do you know why your light switch isn't working or what's causing your power outlet to shock you? If not, it's time to call in a professional. An experienced electrician from Crosby Electric Inc. is standing by to provide electrical troubleshooting and repairs in the Southampton, PA area.

Let's get to the bottom of your power problem. Contact us today to arrange for electrical repair services.

5 signs you probably need electrical repairs

5 signs you probably need electrical repairs

You should contact an electrical repair service right away if you notice:

  1. Your light switch isn't working
  2. Your circuit breaker keeps tripping
  3. Your lights flicker, dim or go out completely
  4. You notice a buzzing noise near your devices
  5. You notice a burning smell near your outlets
If you suspect you have an electrical malfunction, call 267-756-3992 to arrange for electrical troubleshooting services in the Southampton, PA area.